#Comment a block of code in visual studio for mac how to#
You can change the shortcut for these commands to whatever. Here you may to know how to comment and uncomment in visual studio code. You can also find a list of the analyzers here and if you are interested in learning more visit this blog post or jump directly to this part of the Unite Now talk. Toggle single line comment and toggle block comment commands have been added in VS 2019 for C. So how to comment out a block of code in Python If you have worked with some other programming. It’s the sum of all parts when looking into performance optimization and Analyzers can make it easy to help you identify and improve your performance simply by reducing the unneeded overhead by optimizing the code syntax. To comment out a line of code in Python, you can add a before that line. While the above example represents a minor optimization tweak with no significant impact in a single script attached to a single GameObject, this may be different for a large scale project with 1000s of GameObjects with the script attached. Fortunately, if you use Visual Studio Code, commenting a block of code is really quick and easy. If a block of code had hundreds of lines, it would be terrible. In this case, the analyzer would suggest the CompareTag method which is more efficient. To comment on a block of code in Python, you will have to prefix it with line by line. The analyzer would be able to analyze your code, will detect the pattern and offer to use the more optimized method instead. An example could be a simple conditional statement where you need to check if the GameObject has a specific tag to apply a certain behavior to it. Analyzers can provide you with a better understanding of Unity-specific diagnostics or simply help your project by removing general C# diagnostics that don’t apply to Unity projects. Unity Analyzers are a collection of Unity-specific code diagnostics and code fixes that are open source and available on GitHub. An analyzer works by detecting a code pattern and can offer to replace it with a more recommended pattern. Visual Studio 2019 introduces Unity Analyzers.